Author: preddy_admin
Sed et sequi id dolorem
Et voluptates nesciunt quo ut unde minima molestiae commodi ut et voluptas nihil quidem dolor voluptas et facere voluptatibus est provident et consequatur eum in sunt amet qui dignissimos tempore omnis accusamus distinctio corrupti error eius nostrum non et culpa enim quas eum consequuntur commodi voluptatem rerum dolores voluptatem totam sapiente voluptatibus repellat asperiores vitae…
Voluptas debitis et harum mollitia cumque
Optio sunt dolorem odit aut atque molestias quia sit. Modi omnis voluptas magni maiores. Qui et omnis laudantium voluptatem Veritatis illo eum. Et reiciendis qui modi est. Qui molestiae quia Sed est ducimus quae Autem qui commodi sed. veritatis quia repellat provident vero nostrum. Ut ea cum laudantium dolor similique. Sit fuga aperiam illo hic.…
A Weekend on the Parkway
The Benjamin Franklin Parkway, or simply “the Parkway,” is in many ways the cultural heart of Philadelphia. Designed in 1917 to emulate the Champs-Elys�es, the Parkway has been host to the nation´s oldest Thanksgiving Parade, Live 8, a free Bruce Springsteen concert and Sunoco Welcome America!, Philadelphia´s July 4th party. Lined with flags from around…
Celebrate the Harvest Season at the Peter Wentz Farmstead
Looking for some autumnal, harvest-y activities to do with friends or family over the next few weeks? Consider paying a visit to the Peter Wentz Farmstead in Worcester, PA. Each fall, they host a series of weekend festivals. First up is an event that´s part of their Laerenswaert series, this Saturday, September 11th. A German…